Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hey a lil about Miss Regan Bear

Hey so if you are here you are probably like what the hell is this blog and who is this Regan Bear?
Well this blog is a going to be a collection of things I find on the net, anything from new technology, latest in the web fads, cool/ random websites, and of course anything cute from japan lolz, and dont forget amazing youtube vids (and my fav vids will be featured on the sidebar). Some other things i'll put in the blog are little stories about me and whats going on in my life. Plus I'm really into digital art so I'll be posting my art up and asking for your opinion on it.
Now to answer the question on Who is Regan Bear? Well, I am a freshman on the east coast of the US of A. Regan Bear is a pen name I'm using because I don't want creepers trying to hunt me down. Ya, I'm paranoid like that haha. But for those of you reading this who know me, my pen name rhymes with my real name. I have a good family, a Mom, Dad, and a sis, basically the average American family. If you want to know more about me look at my about me on the side bar. I hope you like my blog! ^^

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