Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bunny's that Talk, Heavy Heads, A Sleeping Princess, and A World all my Own

Hey there my wonderful readers! ^^ We already have 41 people from around the world who have read this page and 3 subscribers! It's a great start considering I started this about 24 hours ago, I hope you enjoy today's entry! :D
From My Life~
So today I was thinking about some funny events that happ
ened during the school week (because I have been avoiding studying all week, which is bad... because mid-terms start Tuesday.... -.-UUU) But on Friday I was sick. But i still went to school, so I was in the lunch line with some friends and I (being sick) was in a state of being "there" yet not completely there, so i basicly knocked my head onto my friends shoulders. They were supprised and at first they said nothing... as time went by they were like "Regan (my name isnt really regan but deal with it readers!!! mwahahahaaaaa!),..... your head is heavy... you need to lose brain..." My response, "I have to lose the roting part of my brain from watching tv as a kid, haha." I then woke up and watched kids tv this morning... i realized... my brain probrobly did rot as a child from watching too much tv.... ^^UUU
Well my website today is nothing like color flip. Today, I introduce my online home, my city. You can go and click here to see what exactly I'm talking about. It is actually a pretty cool to look at. And it would be really nice if you guys look at it, it builds my city up, lol.
My first art post is going up today... and here it is... {x}
Tell me what you think, k? Oh and i made this one over the summer so my art looks a bit diffrent but still, I hope you guess don't hate it, lol.
Technology Spotlight~
A new way to connect to the world is strangely... through a cute, adorable bunny.

This cute bunny is made by a company named Violet. It is one of the first steps into connecting the world together by wireless connection, 24/7. This cute bunny's name you ask? Nabaztag. And Nabaztag has many useful features it lights up and speaks, reads emails out loud, plays music, has voice commands you can use, tell you about whats going (with facebook, msn messager, and more), you can give it special commands, your friends can send you voiced messages through it, and much more. To learn more about Nabaztag go to Violet's site here.
Well as you guys know, I am REALLY into theatre, and as you would guess, I am in Drama class at school. Well in the begining of the year we watched this thing called The Reduced Shakespeare Company. Its extremely funny! I hope you have enjoyed todays post and leave comments!!! By guys!

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