Saturday, August 21, 2010

Homecoming Dress Search!

Soo since tax free weekend in Virginia I have one, been looking for school supplies, and two looking for a homecoming dress. I think I have now found the perfect one and a necklace to go with it! ^^

I found it on it is a super cute online vintage clothing store.
Hopefully all goes well and i get it and fits well! <3

Now.... just to find shoes.....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Playlist by ah friend! :D

So I have friend that is making a summer play list, and this is the result so far! ^^

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Friday, June 18, 2010

The last day.

Today was my last day of school, my last day of freshmen year... I feel really sad about it actually... I now have no idea what I am going to do all summer.... 3 months of doing nothing... great....
Well if you are reading this.. anyone... I bet you can think of fun things to do for the summer... well if ya wanna you should tell me so I feel better and actually have something to look forward to....
Thank you,
Megs :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Whats new you ask???

So the reason my blog went from 1 post to now 11 posts is because I merged my old blog, with my new blog. It is actually quite amazing. So now I have all of that together and I can do whatever I want with this one. ^^

So as my first post actually posting something some what interesting I am posting a video of this asian dude who is an amazing artist. To see what I'm talking about look below!!!

So ya I found that and on the sides of the blog I will now have the other sites I'm connected to, my lastest art, and the manga I'm reading!!! >w<

Well thanks for reading! <3

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hey there everyone....

So I am the Megan that this blog is made by. I have no idea what I'm going to use the blog for at all to be completely honest.
Well just so ya know I am Megan. I would say I'm pretty much like every one else that resides on this earth. I can be pretty chill or pretty busy (mostly busy), I can be pretty dramatic about stuff at times as well. But what else would you expect from a drama geek? And yes, thats righty Billy! I am in drama! I am extremely involved in that and choir.
Although most of my school activities have to do with the arts I actually want to have a career in a completely different field. I would LOVE to become a history teacher. That dream could change between now and college but who knows?
Soooo yeah... that was a umm.. a quick summary of nothing....?
LOL, oh well.

Steph and Glor-Glor if your reading ILY!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Space, Spaced, and Snow!

Sorry that I haven't been posting! I have been busy at home and I'm in the part of the US that is getting piled with snow, haha. I hope you all enjoy today's post, and I hope you deside to come back to see my future posts! ،◕‿◕،
I'm not sure when the next time is that I will post music on here, it might be next week. I have a half Japanese friend that will be introducing me to some new music so I'll probrobly post some after she shares some of the music she listens to with me! =]
Ok, so I'm guessing you guys have heard on the news about that huge storm going through the east coast right? Well I have taken pictures of it and I am planning to use the picture to make my latest drawings, ok? ^^
Technology Spotlight~
The international space station is getting a wonderful new addition to it. It will be getting an observatory deck where the astronauts will be able to have a view of the Earth, to read the full article by Mail Online click here.

***Note: This picture does not belong to me I got it from the article this part of my post is based off of.***
To go with the theme of space, the website for today is This is a website by an Japanese artist. It is an fun to go look at, when you first go to page you see a space ship and end up going through a journey of the solar system... with an extra planet. The art is just as amazing as the site. Let me know if you all like these types of websites!

I am extremely happy with the video I decided to feature today! But I will warn everyone ahead of time, the tv show this is from is NOT suitable for young children, lol. Basicly this is two scenes from a British show called "Spaced". In this they are having imaginary shoot outs, its very funny, and fun to have in real life, haha! I hope you enjoyed todays blog and maybe have an imaginary shoot out of your own?

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm Baaccccckkkkkkk!

Ok, so mid-terms are finally over.
And... the cast list went up today at my school for the musical!!! I'm part of the ensemble!!!
I know how small that sounds but at least I got a part, there are many freshman who didn't get parts (I'm a freshmen for those of you new to the blog).
Well since mid-terms are over... I guess its time for me to put up a new post for today right?
So for music today I added a new gadget to my blog. You probably heard it when you first entered my blog if not still have it playing. It's from a website called I had already seen it alot so I decided to add it here. I will add all music I listen to that they have available to my playlist and you guys will be able to hear it! ^^ Tell me if there are any new songs you have found on my playlist here in the comments below this post please! And I love hearing suggestions, too!
Here is my art for the day (it is the last one I have until I am done with my next one).

OMG. This is the weirdest site EVER! I swear lolz. The site is Uncyclopedia. Basically, imagine we are in a alternate universe were everything is completely opposite, now click "uncyclopedia" above and that is the Wikipedia of that universe. It is sooo weird and funny! You should defiantly check it out.
Technology Spotlight~
Truthfully, I really don't have anything to type for this section today so I did a search on the net and decided to read about the new I-Pad vs. The Kindle. I personally like Kindle more. To read from the side I'm on click here. You can see links under the article in the link for other opinions on this debate in the tech world.

Today I am posting a video that represents one of my favorite worlds in the world of anime and manga (for those of you who done know anime is Japanese cartoons and manga is the comic book versions of those Japanese cartoons). This is the world of CLAMP. CLAMP is a group of four women who write and draw many amazing manga series and animes that go along with them. The video below puts all of there stories and characters together. Many of there series mention other series they have written and some even go together. If you want to know about these series or have questions about it just post in the comments and thank you so much for reading today's post!