Saturday, February 6, 2010

Space, Spaced, and Snow!

Sorry that I haven't been posting! I have been busy at home and I'm in the part of the US that is getting piled with snow, haha. I hope you all enjoy today's post, and I hope you deside to come back to see my future posts! ،◕‿◕،
I'm not sure when the next time is that I will post music on here, it might be next week. I have a half Japanese friend that will be introducing me to some new music so I'll probrobly post some after she shares some of the music she listens to with me! =]
Ok, so I'm guessing you guys have heard on the news about that huge storm going through the east coast right? Well I have taken pictures of it and I am planning to use the picture to make my latest drawings, ok? ^^
Technology Spotlight~
The international space station is getting a wonderful new addition to it. It will be getting an observatory deck where the astronauts will be able to have a view of the Earth, to read the full article by Mail Online click here.

***Note: This picture does not belong to me I got it from the article this part of my post is based off of.***
To go with the theme of space, the website for today is This is a website by an Japanese artist. It is an fun to go look at, when you first go to page you see a space ship and end up going through a journey of the solar system... with an extra planet. The art is just as amazing as the site. Let me know if you all like these types of websites!

I am extremely happy with the video I decided to feature today! But I will warn everyone ahead of time, the tv show this is from is NOT suitable for young children, lol. Basicly this is two scenes from a British show called "Spaced". In this they are having imaginary shoot outs, its very funny, and fun to have in real life, haha! I hope you enjoyed todays blog and maybe have an imaginary shoot out of your own?